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Begins 11/11/2024 - Ends 14/11/2024

Town/state: Lisbon - Portugal

Description: Europe’s Largest Technology Marketplace. We’re at an inflection point. The kind of inflection point that comes around not once in a lifetime, but once in several lifetimes. We’ve all seen the world go through times more turbulent than our parents, or their parents, and the only thing we can expect for certain is more change. There is no longer such a thing as a ‘tech’ industry – just industries that have been affected by tech. Just as the first industrial revolution 250 years ago left an indelible mark on the lives of the people who lived through it, tech is turning upside down everything we thought about work, social interaction, politics and life itself. This year more than 50,000 tech CEOs, founders, startups, investors and political leaders driving change across the world are coming together in Lisbon for Web Summit. They’ll be looking for answers to the questions posed by the tech revolution we’re living through.
