Cloud Expo Europe
Begins 22/05/2024 - Ends 23/05/2024
Description Ten years of Cloud Computing, what's next? Ask the CloudXperts.
In the Summer of 2001 Amazon launched Amazon Web Services, which would provide "online services for web sites or client-side applications". In 2003, VMware introduced Virtual Center, which would take their offering of virtualization software to the next level. The same year, there was the first public release of Xen, developed by the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. Those and other innovations would eventually lead to Cloud Computing, which became very popular as from 2007.
Reuven Cohen, Hans De Leenheer, Tom Leyden were early Cloud Computing evangelists and followed innovations, successes and failures closely.
The IT industry meets to celebrate SNW Europe, Datacenter technologies and Virtualization World. At Cloud Expo Europe Datacenter Technologies and Virtualization World is where Europe's top CIOs, IT Managers and senior IT professional gather each year to keep up to date with the latest trends and thinking in the fast evolving worlds of the cloud, data center technologies and application delivery. What makes Cloud Expo Europe events so special for delegates is its combination of high level 'thought leadership' content, views and opinions from some of the industry's top experts, analysts and vendors and most importantly the opportunity to network with their peers across Europe and meet and discuss ideas with a host of sponsors. The Cloud Expo Europe events help IT professionals stay at the top of their game.Together the three conferences (SNW Europe - Datacenter Technologies - Virtualization World) focus on the key elements of the IT environment that are a vital part of any "cloud" strategy including data storage, data management, data protection and security plus of course desktop, server, storage and network virtualization. Delegates come from 35 European, Middle Eastern and African countries, the USA and Asia. Organisations represented include both public & private, large and small. Delegates get ample time to network and discuss their own needs and share experiences.