IMTM Int'l Mediterranean Tourism Mkt
Begins 07/05/2025 - Ends 08/05/2025
Tel Aviv
Description IMTM is held under the auspices of the Israel Ministry of Tourism, their continued generous support insures a significant promotional budget. Other sponsors are the Israel Hotel Association & the Association for Tourism Tel Aviv-Jaffa, as well as El Al Israel Airlines and the Israel Tourist and Travel Agents Association. IMTM is the largest annual professional tourism fair of its kind in the Eastern Mediterranean and like other international tourism fairs, it serves to promote incoming tourism, domestic tourism and outgoing tourism, as well as to strengthen cooperation among tourism bodies in Israel and elsewhere in the world. The fair is highlighted by professional workshops, seminars and press conferences. IMTM is also attended by groups of agents from abroad with the framework of tours to Israel organized by the Israel Ministry of Tourism.