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Rda Workshop


leisure travel

Begins 23/04/2024 - Ends 24/04/2024



Description The joint RDA and gbk' International Coach Tourism Federation – The joint federation of RDA and gbk' was established in Cologne on 11th May 2011 after RDA and gbk members voted in favour of the statutes at their annual general meetings end-March 2011 in Hamburg. Now we can represent our industry interests with one strong voice - stressed RDA-President Richard Eberhardt after signing the statutes of the newly established International Coach Tourism Federation - the coach tourism sector faces important tasks and many challenges. That is why we now have to bundle our energies - stated the Chairperson of the new federation. Gbk Chairperson, RDA Vice-President and Vice-President of the new federation Hermann Meyering stated that he was delighted that the Frankfurt Agreement of December 2007 – in which the RDA and gbk agreed to intensify mutual co-operation – had reached a positive result. - The joint federation is a contemporary platform which is also open to other federations. Last edition - three days and nights in Cologne - 1,150 exhibitors and up to 11,000 trade visitors confirmed the RDA-Workshop 2011 as Europe’s largest sales, purchasing and business networking platform for the international coach tourism sector.